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Paul Pantone G.E.E.T Fuel Processor Free Energy (Over Unity) Diaries Part 9

By Paul Pantone in Paul Pantone 1537 views 24th Mar, 2023

Welcome to this video showcasing the remarkable G.E.E.T Fuel Processor, invented by the late Paul Pantone. Although Paul passed away in 2015, his legacy lives on through his groundbreaking technology, which he generously shared with the world for free.

In this video, we explore Part 9 of the "Over Unity" Diaries, which showcases the incredible capabilities of the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor. With the free plans available, anyone with technical skills, or aspiring to become an engineer, can turn any vehicle into an 80% water, 20% crude oil hybrid. And with the right tweaking, it's possible to achieve a fully water-based system.

What makes the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor so extraordinary is that it can run on anything water-based, from coffee and urine to soda, Windex, plastic, and even metal when melted down in a pressure cooker. The possibilities are truly endless.

In fact, the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor reminds us of the iconic Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future 2, which turned household waste into fuel for the DeLorean time machine.

Join us on this journey as we explore the incredible world of the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor and pay tribute to the late Paul Pantone, whose technology will never be forgotten.

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