Paul Pantone was an American inventor and founder of GEET International, who developed a device called the Pantone GEET ...
Paul Pantone was an American inventor and founder of GEET International, who developed a device called the Pantone GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology) reactor. This invention was designed to reduce pollution and increase fuel efficiency by converting fossil fuels and other organic matter into a combustible gas. Pantone's reactor technology gained a lot of attention in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with claims of being able to run vehicles and generators on almost any type of fuel.

However, Pantone's work and reputation have been controversial. Some have accused him of making fraudulent claims and exaggerating the capabilities of his technology. Despite this, there is no doubt that Pantone made significant contributions to the field of alternative energy and helped raise awareness of the need for environmentally friendly solutions. He was an inventor with a passion for creating something that could help make a positive impact on the world.

If you want to learn more about Paul Pantone, there are several resources available. You can start by reading his book, "Pantone Report: An Analysis of GEET Technology," which provides an in-depth explanation of his reactor technology and how it works. You can also find numerous interviews with Pantone online, where he discusses his work and the challenges he faced along the way. While there may be differing opinions about his legacy, there is no doubt that Paul Pantone was an inventor who dedicated his life to creating a better world for future generations. And become a member of this page!
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  • Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Paul Pantone describes GEET Engine technology. Filmed in 2005.

    Paul Pantone describes GEET Engine technology. Filmed in 2005.

    In this fascinating video from 2005, Paul Pantone provides an in-depth explanation of the revolutionary GEET Engine technology. This incredible device is a fuel processor that...

    Paul Pantone describes GEET Engine technology. Filmed in 2005.

    In this fascinating video from 2005, Paul Pantone provides an in-depth explanation of the revolutionary GEET Engine technology. This incredible device is a fuel processor that converts almost any liquid into a clean-burning fuel, resulting in significant fuel efficiency gains and reduced emissions.

    Throughout the video, Pantone covers the various elements that make up the GEET Engine, from its innovative design to the complex chemical reactions that take place within it. He also discusses how the GEET Fuel Cell works and how it can be adapted for use in a wide range of applications, from cars and trucks to boats and even aircraft.

    One of the highlights of the video is when Pantone talks about his work with MIT. He explains how researchers from the prestigious institution came to visit him to learn more about the GEET Engine and its potential applications. This collaboration with MIT underscores the importance of the GEET Engine and its potential to revolutionize the way we use and think about fuel.

    Overall, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in energy, technology, and innovation. Pantone's insights and expertise make for a compelling and informative viewing experience that is sure to leave viewers with a newfound appreciation for the power of the GEET Engine.

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  •   Paul Pantone reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Paul Pantone G.E.E.T Fuel Processor Free Energy (Over Unity) Diaries Part 9

    Welcome to this video showcasing the remarkable G.E.E.T Fuel Processor, invented by the late Paul Pantone. Although Paul passed away in 2015, his legacy lives on through his groundbreaking technology, which he generously shared with the world for...

    Welcome to this video showcasing the remarkable G.E.E.T Fuel Processor, invented by the late Paul Pantone. Although Paul passed away in 2015, his legacy lives on through his groundbreaking technology, which he generously shared with the world for free.

    In this video, we explore Part 9 of the "Over Unity" Diaries, which showcases the incredible capabilities of the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor. With the free plans available, anyone with technical skills, or aspiring to become an engineer, can turn any vehicle into an 80% water, 20% crude oil hybrid. And with the right tweaking, it's possible to achieve a fully water-based system.

    What makes the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor so extraordinary is that it can run on anything water-based, from coffee and urine to soda, Windex, plastic, and even metal when melted down in a pressure cooker. The possibilities are truly endless.

    In fact, the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor reminds us of the iconic Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future 2, which turned household waste into fuel for the DeLorean time machine.

    Join us on this journey as we explore the incredible world of the G.E.E.T Fuel Processor and pay tribute to the late Paul Pantone, whose technology will never be forgotten.

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  •   Paul Pantone reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Indelible promise a video on GEET and Paul Pantone

    Welcome to this video, where we explore the fascinating world of GEET technology and its potential to revolutionize our approach to energy. This video is the result of a meeting between Abraham and Paul Pantone, the inventor of GEET, at the 2011...

    Welcome to this video, where we explore the fascinating world of GEET technology and its potential to revolutionize our approach to energy. This video is the result of a meeting between Abraham and Paul Pantone, the inventor of GEET, at the 2011 TeslaTech Conference in Albuquerque, NM. As a newcomer to the world of GEET, Abraham was amazed to see working fuel processor applications and confirm that the ability to run an engine on something other than gasoline is not just an urban myth. However, what really caught Abraham's attention was Pantone's suggestion that the fuel processor was just the tip of the iceberg of GEET applications that could resolve a multitude of worldwide problems. Pantone invited Abraham to visit his center in Oklahoma, and this video, entitled "Indelible Promise", chronicles their meeting and the insights gained from their conversation. Join us as we explore the possibilities of GEET technology and the potential it holds for our future.

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  • Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Paul Pantone, GEET: The Evolution of Plasma Physics, Extraordinary Technology Symposium 2014

    Welcome to this video featuring Paul Pantone and his groundbreaking GEET engine technology. In this video, Paul discusses the evolution of plasma physics and how it relates to the self-generated low temperature plasma field utilized in GEET...

    Welcome to this video featuring Paul Pantone and his groundbreaking GEET engine technology. In this video, Paul discusses the evolution of plasma physics and how it relates to the self-generated low temperature plasma field utilized in GEET engines.

    Since the invention of GEET devices, Paul has discovered 181 new phenomena, including at least eight "Unidentified Fields of Energy" that have been observed. However, the lack of a common terminology and methodology makes it difficult to validate and replicate these new discoveries.

    Throughout the video, Paul delves into fundamental observations that are being studied, such as the false reading of a handheld digital thermometer when trying to locate the position of the Reactor Rod while running. He also discusses the strange observation of an "Auric Field" that occurs once a Reactor Rod has been used for thirty minutes.

    This video offers a unique insight into the cutting-edge research and experimentation taking place in the field of plasma physics, as well as the revolutionary technology of the GEET engine. Join us on this journey of discovery as we explore the remarkable world of Paul Pantone and his extraordinary GEET engine technology, showcased at the Extraordinary Technology Symposium in 2014.

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  • Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Paul Pantone Workshop - Incredible World of GEET Technology

    Welcome to this video about the Paul Pantone Workshop, specifically focusing on the incredible world of GEET Technology. This workshop took place at the Exotic Research Conference in 2000, and is a fascinating deep dive into the groundbreaking...

    Welcome to this video about the Paul Pantone Workshop, specifically focusing on the incredible world of GEET Technology. This workshop took place at the Exotic Research Conference in 2000, and is a fascinating deep dive into the groundbreaking technology that has the potential to revolutionize the energy and fuel consumption industry.

    Paul Pantone, the creator of the GEET Reactor, shares his expertise and insights into the technology, as well as his own personal experiences with building and experimenting with the GEET Reactor. He discusses the benefits of using the GEET Fuel System, including reducing harmful emissions, increasing fuel economy, and the ability to run engines on unconventional fuels.

    Throughout the workshop, Paul shares many interesting stories about his experiences with the GEET Reactor, including the ability to mix up to 10% fuel with 90% water, and the creation of a new element called GEET Gas through transmutation.

    Paul also highlights the potential for GEET technology to help heal the planet and humanity, with its ability to produce clean energy with no harmful byproducts or waste. He encourages experimentation and exploration with building GEET Reactors using the free build plans available on the GEET International Main Web Page.

    This video provides a unique opportunity to learn from one of the pioneers of GEET Technology, and gain a deeper understanding of the technology's capabilities and potential. Join us on this journey to explore the incredible world of GEET Technology through the lens of the Paul Pantone Workshop at the Exotic Research Conference in 2000.

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  • Paul Pantone changed the cover photo
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  • Paul Pantone uploaded a new video
    Paul Pantone - GEET Where we are Today, Extraordinary Technology Conference 2004

    In this fascinating video, we are transported back to the Extraordinary Technology Conference of 2004, where we hear from the renowned inventor, Paul Pantone. In this captivating presentation, Pantone discusses the current state of the GEET Fuel...

    In this fascinating video, we are transported back to the Extraordinary Technology Conference of 2004, where we hear from the renowned inventor, Paul Pantone. In this captivating presentation, Pantone discusses the current state of the GEET Fuel Reactor system and its potential to transform the energy industry.

    Through expert commentary and engaging visuals, we gain a deep understanding of the science behind the GEET Fuel Reactor and its many benefits for the environment and society. Pantone discusses the challenges he has faced in bringing the technology to market and the progress that has been made in recent years.

    The video highlights the potential applications of the GEET Fuel Reactor system and its ability to transform the way we think about energy. Whether for personal use or for commercial applications, this technology has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry and create a more sustainable future for all.

    Whether you are a researcher, enthusiast, or simply interested in the latest developments in alternative energy solutions, this video is a must-watch. You'll gain valuable insights into the power of the GEET Fuel Reactor system and its many benefits for the environment and society. Don't miss your chance to discover the potential of this incredible technology and its impact on the future of energy.

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